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Build a Dashboard

· One min read
Ludovico Ferrara
Maintainer of Security-Cam
Lennert Pfundtner
Front End Engineer

Starting to build the Dashboard

Today we started building the first steps of the dashboard. We chose NextJS with TypeScript and TailwindCSS as the main technologies. Before that we talked about how to integrate the video stream and found out about the ability of the HTML5 video tag to stream a video via RTSP.

Now the decision was easy as Lenni is used to coding with NextJS. So we began installing the necessary packages and setting up the project.

npx create-next-app@latest

First step was made and we started to delete the boilerplate code and build our first component. Design isnt necessary at this point. We just want to have something running to try out streaming as soon as possible.

First steps are done and more to come.