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Upgrading to the Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W

· 2 min read
Ludovico Ferrara
Maintainer of Security-Cam

The Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W

The Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W is a small yet remarkably powerful single-board computer, perfectly suited for projects requiring a compact form factor with minimal energy consumption. Powered by a quad-core ARM Cortex-A53 processor and equipped with 512MB of RAM, the Pi Zero 2 W also boasts built-in wireless connectivity, making it a versatile tool for a variety of applications.

The need for an upgrade

Initially, I was running a Next.js server on the original Raspberry Pi Zero. However, I encountered limitations due to the maximum supported version of Node.js on that hardware. These constraints led to performance bottlenecks and compatibility issues, particularly as newer versions of Node.js were required for the project.

Fix the stream

· One min read
Ludovico Ferrara
Maintainer of Security-Cam

Fixing old issues

In my previous setup, I used picamera for recording and streaming video on the Raspberry Pi. However, I noticed a recurring issue: the video stream would consistently freeze whenever a recording started, only resuming after the recording was complete. While this wasn't a big problem, it was frustrating enough to warrant a closer look.

Build a Dashboard

· One min read
Ludovico Ferrara
Maintainer of Security-Cam
Lennert Pfundtner
Front End Engineer

Starting to build the Dashboard

Today we started building the first steps of the dashboard. We chose NextJS with TypeScript and TailwindCSS as the main technologies. Before that we talked about how to integrate the video stream and found out about the ability of the HTML5 video tag to stream a video via RTSP.

The start of something new

· One min read
Ludovico Ferrara
Maintainer of Security-Cam
Lennert Pfundtner
Front End Engineer

Welcome on our journey

We mark the 19th of July 2024, the day we start to rebuild this project.
After a long time of inactivity, we decided to start from scratch and rebuild most of the stuff we already did. We are excited to see where this journey will take us.
This blog will be the place where we share our progress and thoughts (In case we become some famous dudes in the future).

print("Hello World")